Minutes of Meeting,
Stroke Survivors Advocacy Group of Canada (SSAGC)
DATE/TIME: August 31, 2023, 3:30 PM, Eastern Time
Format: Virtual with ZOOM
Bruce Young, Chairman
Ron Reddam, Vice Chairman
Mike DeGuire
John Richmond
Denis Hamel
June Hawkins
Linda Kirwin
Susan Pare
Maria Luisa Marti
Linda Kirwin
Jim McEwen, Executive Secretary
Approval of Minutes of Meeting dated July 13, 2023; adoption Moved by Mike , Seconded by Jim. Motion approved! Action: Bruce to distribute all Minutes
All Attendees introduced themselves and gave a summary of their stroke journey.
John gave an overview of the Committee Mandate:
Sharing information and our experiences.
Improving our Lives.
Undertaking Advocacy for improved publicly funded post-stroke treatment/rehab across all of Canada.
A discussion ensued about being a charitable or not for profit Organization and the need for funding. John suggested the other option of establishing a Cooperative. More discussion required. Action by All
Maria suggested we look at joining other Organizations such as HSF and MODC. Ron suggested we look at joining brain injury organizations. John noted that if we became part of other Organizations we must follow their rules, policies and by-laws. More discussion required. Action by All
Linda suggested we investigate New Horizons Community Based Programs. Linda to investigate and report findings at next meeting. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/programs/new-horizons-seniors.html Action by Linda
Agreed that meetings to be scheduled on the final Thursday of each month at 3:00 PM, ET and 12:00 Noon, Pacific Time. Next meeting scheduled for September 28, 2023, 3:00 PM ET and 12:00 PM, Pacific Time.
Meeting adjourned at 4:00 PM, ET.
Minutes recorded and prepared by
Jim McEwen, Executive Secretary, SSAGC