Date/Time: Jan. 9, 2025, 4:00 PM, ET
Format: virtual with Zoom
Bruce Young, Chairman
Ron Reddam, Vice Chairman
Pam Spence, Director at Large
John Richmond, Director at Large
Doug Mitchell, Director at Large
Linda Kirwin, Director of Marketing
Stephanie Altenhof, Student with John Richmond
Jim McEwen, Director of Communications
Mike Dewing
1.0 Bruce read the Land Acknowledgement!
2.0 Approval of SSAGC EXEC. Minutes from Nov. 7, 2024: Moved by Jim and seconded by Bruce. Minutes approved and to be distributed to Executive Members only by Bruce. Action by Bruce.
3.0 Accomplishments from 2024: We are now incorporated as a non-profit organization with the federal government under the name of, “Canadian Stroke Survivors-SELFHELP”. - We can fundraise, but tax receipts cannot be issued.
- We can apply for grant monies.
- Federal, B.C. and Ontario governments and MODC clearly know who we are.
- Seasonal Newsletters are being written and distributed to members.
Ron reported that he has been dealing with Trillium Health Partners about improving Post-stroke treatment/rehab.
Ron-Co- Chair- peer support leaders FB group for stroke and cardiac. Trillium health Partners hospital stroke steering committee, research and research ethics committee,
-Ron won community recognition for volunteer work in community by MP Yvonne Baker.
4.0 John reported that we are not yet at the stage to apply for a charitable status.
5.0 John suggested that each Director maintain a written record of our activities with SSAGC with a detailed description of duties performed with associated time. Action by All.
6.0 Linda indicated that March is a good time to apply for Grant monies. Action by Linda.
7.0 A bank account is needed for our organization. Action by Bruce, John and Mike.
8.0 John and Stephanie to draft our by-laws. Action by John and Stephanie.
9.0 Pam is in touch with MP, Elizabeth May, who recovered from a stroke, to see if she will be a spokesperson. Jim suggested that Pam also contact former WWE wrestler, Bret Hart of Calgary who experienced a stroke
many years ago. Action by Pam.
9.0 Pam is in contact with her local MPP to try and arrange a follow up virtual meeting with Ontario Health and the MOH regarding our outstanding questions of how $15M in new stroke recovery funding will be distributed in Ontario. Pam is also in contact with Minister Mark Holland’s Office to arrange follow-up meetings on the federal level.
10.0 John suggested we show our strong support of Ontario with new Programs and funding for recovery stroke. John reported that new Post-stroke Recovery Programs in Ontario are limited to new stroke survivors only and not to older survivors.
11.0 Bruce to contact Celina Caesar-Chavannes and request that she respond to Pam’s emails. Action by Bruce.
12.0 Pam has reached out to our Prime Minister and her local MP. Pam to follow up. Action by Pam.
13.0 Jim suggested that at some point we should seek assistance from the media to get out our message. Future discussion
required. Action by All.
14.0 Next SSAGC Executive Meeting scheduled for Feb. 20, 2025, 4:00 PM, ET.
15.0 Meeting adjourned at 5:10 PM,
Minutes prepared by Jim
McEwen, Director of
Communications, SSAGC